(oh my heavens, this pic is from 2006!! but...it's the only pic I have saved to my computer. Usually I would go get one off Facebook, but I gave that up for lent...so, this is all I have)
*Date night with my Sissie Lu*
Ahhhhhhhhh....I am SO SO SO excited about tonight! I get to hang out with my sister!!!! For those of you who know me real well, then you know that my sister is my BEST FRIEND! However, we don't get to hang out as much as we used to. Living in Brookhaven, being married, and having 2 kids prevents us from hanging out. So...I messaged her earlier this week and I told her that we were hanging out on Friday, and I told her to make the plans! From what I understand, the plans for tonight consists of me hanging out with her and some of her friends. This may seem weird to some people, since we are 5 years apart. But Lauren AND her friends have always been a big part of my life! When I lived in Hattiesburg, they would come stay with me all the time. They've all been like family to me. They have seen me get married and been around through the birth of both my kids! I am SO excited about getting to hang out with them tonight!!!!

*Sick of snow, ready for a GLOW!*
I'm pretty sure I talk about this every week, but I have never been so ready for warm weather!!!!!! If it snows one more time (I know it's supposed to tomorrow), then I will screammmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! All I want is to get to the beach, sit in my chair, with my toes in the water, and soak up the sun! Is that so much to ask?!!?

*Spring Break*
Ok, while we're on the subject, let me tell you about my Spring Break plans. First of all, Spring Break for us is in 2 more weeks....WOOHOO!!! (Come on, Mr. Sun) We're leaving on the 12th to go stay with my aunt in Pensacola, and we'll be there til the 16th! This will be Parker's first trip to the beach, and you better believe I'll be taking some family beach pics....DUH! I'll also probably just stay on the beach the whole time we're there...even if it's 25 degrees! I ain't skeered!! :) Anyways, that Wednesday (the 17th) I'm going to get my hair cut...like in that pic I posted a couple weeks ago. So, it'll be super short! I can't wait to see what it's going to look like! And then...the 19th and 20th we're going on a girl's trip to the Beau Rivage. Ahhhhhh....I can hardly contain my excitement. I can't remember the last time I went on an all girl's trip! The plan is to shop, eat, go out, get massages, see the Hairspray show, and come home. Heavenly bliss!

*Working out*
I've mentioned in previous posts that I've started a hardcore workout plan. I'm working out 4 days a week. Mondays and Wednesdays I do cardio, abs, and arms. Tuesdays and Thursdays I do cardio, abs, and legs. I've lost 25 lbs since I had Parker!! Working out has been great in so many ways. Of course, I'm excited to be back down to my pre-baby weight...but also, I look forward to working out every day! It's an hour devoted to just ME!!!!!!!!! I go to the workout room on campus, blare the music, and go at it for a full hour! Ahhhh...LOVE IT!

*Dave Ramsey update*
Michael and I have decided to try to sell our house! Yes, we just bought our house in August, but here's the plan...try to make about $40,000 off our house (we've done lots of work to it), pay off every single bit of debt, live somewhere cheap(er) for a while, save up, and start building. We're actually trying to get in a house on Co-Lin's campus for a while so we can save. At first, I cringed at the thought of doing this...but now I'm super excited about it! Once it gets warm, we're going to do some landscaping and then put a sign in the yard! We're not in any hurry to sell it...we're just gonna see how God works it all out :)

*Classic Rock & Booty Music*
Nothing puts me in a better mood than some CCR, ZZ Top, Pink FLoyd, Guns-n-Roses, Led Zeppelin, Lil Wayne, Ludacris, Black Eyed Peas, etc.....
It's my guilty pleasure, and I just can't thank Michael enough for my fabulous Christmas present---XM radio!!!!!!
Have fun this weekend. Make time for just YOU. Do something that you haven't done in a while. Even if it's just for 30 minutes....go do something by yourself! Enjoy! And don't feel guilty! We all need to be refreshed every once in a while :)
in a great mood,