Ok, so yesterday I had a MUCH better attitude!!! However, my struggle was something completely different....EXHAUSTION! My mom came over to help me clean out winter clothes, put out summer clothes, and go through maternity clothes! By 3:00, I was completely worn out!!!!!!!! At one point, I was talking to Michael on the phone and through the exhaustion, I heard myself getting an attitude with him for no reason. So, I stopped myself, apologized to him, and adjusted my attitude. Anyways...I WAS able to complete yesterday's dare, and Michael was SO excited about his little gift! Let's get started on Day 4.
"Love is thoughtful"
"How precious also are Your thoughts to me...How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand." -Psalm 139:17-18
A few notes from today's reading:
~Love keeps busy in thought, knowing that loving thoughts precede loving actions.
~If you don't learn to be thoughtful, you end up regretting missed opportunities to demonstrate love.
~Men tend to think in headlines and say exactly what they mean. But women think and speak between the lines. They tend to hint. They expect the man to listen for what is implied in order to get the full meaning.
~A husband should listen to his wife and learn to be considerate of her unspoken messages. A wife should learn to communicate truthfully and not say one thing while meaning another.
~The thoughtful nature of love teaches you to engage your mind before engaging your lips.
Today's Dare:
Contact your spouse sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other than asking how he/she is doing and if there is anything you can do for them.
To Journal:
~What did you learn about yourself or your spouse by doing this today?
~How could this become a more natural, routine, and genuinely helpful part of your lifestyle?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
I hope everyone is enjoying this "Love Dare" book as much as I am!! I look forward to getting up every morning to see how I can bless my husband that day! It's not always easy to do without expecting something in return....but it's exciting to know that God IS at work, and this WILL make a difference in your marriage! So, don't forget to call your spouse today, and only ask if there's anything you can do for them....save the "did you turn the iron off", "have you paid the light bill?", "can you go by the cleaners?" phone call for later ;)
tired but thoughtful,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Love Dare~Day 3
So, is satan attacking yall the way he is me?!? Geeeeez!!! I was really struggling last night with a good attitude! I guess I'm still expecting some kind of reward or praise from Michael, and when I don't get it, it makes me mad! So, last night I spent alot of time in prayer, trying to fight off satan and his deceptive lies!!! Please know that I'm praying for each of you, and we're in this together! Please feel free to share any prayer requests yall might have at this point. So anyways, I ended up sucking up the bad attitude and was able to complete the dare last night! YAYYY!! :) Let's get started on Day 3.
"Love is NOT selfish!"
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." -Romans 12:10
A few notes from today's reading:
~If there were ever a word that basically means the opposite of love, it is selfishness.
~You cannot point out the many ways your spouse is selfish without admitting that you can be selfish too. That would be hypocritical.
~When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness.
~When you relinquish your rights for the sake of your mate, you get a chance to lose yourself to the greater purpose of marriage.
~Ask yourself these questions:
-Do I truly want what's best for my husband or wife?
-Do I want them to feel loved by me?
-Do they believe I have their best interests in mind?
-Do they see me as looking out for myself first?
Today's Dare:
Whatever your put your time, energy, and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
To Journal:
~What did you choose to give your spouse?
~What happened when you gave it?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
Let me just remind everyone that doing this book does NOT mean that you have problems in your marriage!! As quoted on the back of the book: "Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you NEED to take! It's time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the dare!" .....I just wanted to remind everyone of that, because so many people think that if you're doing this "dare" then your marriage must be in trouble! Well, that's not true. For example, Michael and I have a very strong marriage...but it's not perfect by any means! I'm always looking for ways to love my husband more, and what better way than to take this challenge?! So, GO BLESS YOUR SPOUSE!! :)
wanting to be more selfless,
"Love is NOT selfish!"
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." -Romans 12:10
A few notes from today's reading:
~If there were ever a word that basically means the opposite of love, it is selfishness.
~You cannot point out the many ways your spouse is selfish without admitting that you can be selfish too. That would be hypocritical.
~When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness.
~When you relinquish your rights for the sake of your mate, you get a chance to lose yourself to the greater purpose of marriage.
~Ask yourself these questions:
-Do I truly want what's best for my husband or wife?
-Do I want them to feel loved by me?
-Do they believe I have their best interests in mind?
-Do they see me as looking out for myself first?
Today's Dare:
Whatever your put your time, energy, and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
To Journal:
~What did you choose to give your spouse?
~What happened when you gave it?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
Let me just remind everyone that doing this book does NOT mean that you have problems in your marriage!! As quoted on the back of the book: "Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you NEED to take! It's time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the dare!" .....I just wanted to remind everyone of that, because so many people think that if you're doing this "dare" then your marriage must be in trouble! Well, that's not true. For example, Michael and I have a very strong marriage...but it's not perfect by any means! I'm always looking for ways to love my husband more, and what better way than to take this challenge?! So, GO BLESS YOUR SPOUSE!! :)
wanting to be more selfless,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Love Dare~Day 2
So...did everyone make it through their dare yesterday? For accountability purposes, I will tell you each day if I did or did not....and yesterday, I DID!! YAY!! :) However, the fact that Michael was in his own little world last night did make patience a little difficult! haha! Ok, let's get started with Day 2.
"Love is Kind"
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." -Ephesians 4:32
A few notes from today's reading:
~If patience is how love REACTS in order to minimize a negative circumstance, kindness is how love ACTS to maximize a positive circumstance.
~4 basic ingredients:
-Gentleness-If you need to say hard things, you'll bend over backwards to make your rebuke or challenge as easy to hear as possible. You speak the truth in love.
-Helpfulness-Kindness graces a wife with the ability to serve her husband without worrying about her rights.
-Willingness-Rather than complaning and making excuses, you look for reasons to compromise and accommodate.
-Initiative-They don't require the other to get his/her act together before showing love.
~Your enjoyment in marriage should always be linked to the daily level of kindness expressed.
~Don't wait for your spouse to be kind first!
~Love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward, or praise!!!!!! (Keep this in mind as you do you dare today)
Today's Dare:
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
To Journal:
~What discoveries about love did you make today?
~What specifically did you do in this dare?/How did you show kindness?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
I hope everyone has a great day! Don't forget to bless your spouse in a specific way today...and do it without expecting a reward or praise!! :)
brushing up on kindness,
"Love is Kind"
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." -Ephesians 4:32
A few notes from today's reading:
~If patience is how love REACTS in order to minimize a negative circumstance, kindness is how love ACTS to maximize a positive circumstance.
~4 basic ingredients:
-Gentleness-If you need to say hard things, you'll bend over backwards to make your rebuke or challenge as easy to hear as possible. You speak the truth in love.
-Helpfulness-Kindness graces a wife with the ability to serve her husband without worrying about her rights.
-Willingness-Rather than complaning and making excuses, you look for reasons to compromise and accommodate.
-Initiative-They don't require the other to get his/her act together before showing love.
~Your enjoyment in marriage should always be linked to the daily level of kindness expressed.
~Don't wait for your spouse to be kind first!
~Love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward, or praise!!!!!! (Keep this in mind as you do you dare today)
Today's Dare:
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
To Journal:
~What discoveries about love did you make today?
~What specifically did you do in this dare?/How did you show kindness?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
I hope everyone has a great day! Don't forget to bless your spouse in a specific way today...and do it without expecting a reward or praise!! :)
brushing up on kindness,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Love Dare~Day 1
"Love is Patient"
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" -Ephesians 4:2
A few notes from today's reading:
~Love is built on two pillars: patience & kindness
~No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes you to overreact in angry, foolish, and regrettable ways.
~Patience is a choice to control your emotions rather than allowing your emotions to control you, and shows discretion instead of returning evil for evil.
~Patience helps you give your spouse permission to be human. It understands that everyone fails.
Today's Dare:
The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. Throughout the day, resolve to demonstrate patience and say nothing negative to your spouse at all! If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
To Journal:
~Did anything happen today to cause anger toward your mate?
~Were you tempted to think disapproving thoughts and to let them come out in words?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
I hope everyone has a blessed day and is able to bless your spouse today!
Feel free to leave comments/feedback about your daily journey through The Love Dare.
See yall tomorrow :)
striving for more patience,
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" -Ephesians 4:2
A few notes from today's reading:
~Love is built on two pillars: patience & kindness
~No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes you to overreact in angry, foolish, and regrettable ways.
~Patience is a choice to control your emotions rather than allowing your emotions to control you, and shows discretion instead of returning evil for evil.
~Patience helps you give your spouse permission to be human. It understands that everyone fails.
Today's Dare:
The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. Throughout the day, resolve to demonstrate patience and say nothing negative to your spouse at all! If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
To Journal:
~Did anything happen today to cause anger toward your mate?
~Were you tempted to think disapproving thoughts and to let them come out in words?
~Were you able to complete today's dare?
I hope everyone has a blessed day and is able to bless your spouse today!
Feel free to leave comments/feedback about your daily journey through The Love Dare.
See yall tomorrow :)
striving for more patience,
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hey...I just wanted to remind all you married folks (or engaged, or seriously dating) that I'll be starting the "Love Dare" on Monday, April 27th! (If you have no idea what I'm talking about...scroll down to the Love Dare post).
So, join me in preparing our hearts this weekend for what God will do through us and for us during this study. I will ALSO be posting some DISNEY pics this weekend....probably Sunday night? (HOPEFULLY!) I hope everyone has a great weekend..."see yall" Monday ;)
So, join me in preparing our hearts this weekend for what God will do through us and for us during this study. I will ALSO be posting some DISNEY pics this weekend....probably Sunday night? (HOPEFULLY!) I hope everyone has a great weekend..."see yall" Monday ;)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Okay, I'll go ahead and warn you....this post may or may not be for you!? haha! This morning I've been working on "Remembering Disney" so that I can put it in our Disney scrapbook that I'm about to make! After I wrote it all out, I thought it might be fun to share on my blog!! So, if you're not really interested in hearing all about our trip, then you can just stop here! hehe :) I haven't even started sorting through our pics yet, but if you want to see a few that Disney took....click on http://www.disneyphotopass.com/photoshareviewer.aspx?share=46563f62-e925-4581-b962-bcae481cad7f
Remembering Disney World 2009……
Thursday, April 16th
~We got up early, ate breakfast, took baths, and left the house by 10:00 am.
~We had to get to Jackson early so Daddy could go pay a ticket and get his license reinstated!! (Bad Daddy!!)
~Of course we had to stop at Chick Fil A for lunch :)
~Mimi and Papaw met us at the airport at 12:30, and our plane left around 1:35! (Abby LOVED her first plane ride!!)
~We arrived in Orlando around 5:00 pm, and then we took the “Magical Express” to our resort!
~That night we just hung out at our resort, Caribbean Beach. We played on the beach, ate dinner at our food court, joined in a dance party, played on the playground, and then CRASHED!!
Friday, April 17th
~We woke up around 7:30 am, and got ready for our first day at DISNEY!
~Our friend, Brittany Bennett (aka Sleeping Beauty), came and picked us up at our resort. She took us to get our park tickets, and then dropped us off at Hollywood Studios.
~At Hollywood studios we: met the Little Einsteins, Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse, saw the Playhouse Disney show, Beauty and the Beast show, Little Mermaid show, played on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground, ate at Toy Story’s Pizza Planet, and then joined in on the BLOCK PARTY BASH!
~We left Hollywood Studios around 4:00, and went back to our resort for a much needed nap!
~That night we went to the Boardwalk and ate at the ESPN restaurant. (Yummy!!)
~While at the Boardwalk, we also went to the candy factory, rode the ferry boat, and caught a little bit of the firework show at Epcot!
Saturday, April 18th
~Again, we woke up around 7:30 and got ready for another Disney Day!
~We got to Magic Kingdom around 9:30 and had obviously beaten the crowd (woohoo!!)
~Magic Kingdom was the BEST! We were greeted by a show featuring Minnie, Mickey, and the Princesses! Other things we did include: story time with Belle, rode the teacups, carousel, It’s a Small World, Peter Pan’s flight, and Winnie the Pooh! We were also able to meet Tigger and Pooh, Pluto and Ariel!
~Around 2 we headed back to our resort for a nap!
~After our nap, we went back to Magic Kingdom for what ended up being a long….but awesome night!
~We met Princess Aurora, Cinderella, and Belle!
~Then we went to a show called “Monsters Inc Laughing Factory.” It was HILARIOUS!
~After dinner, we grabbed a seat on the curb and waited for the “Spectro Magic Night Parade” (an awesome parade, in the dark, full of lights and music!)
~And then to end the night, we caught a little of the firework show over Cinderella’s Castle!
Sunday, April 19th
~We made it to Animal Kingdom by 9:00!
~We rode the jungle safari, walked a trail that included hippos, apes, birds, and other animals! (The apes were great!)
~Then we took a train to Rafiki’s petting zoo!....where we were also able to meet Pocahontas and Jiminy Cricket!
~By this time, we were EXHAUSTED….so, we made a quick run to meet Minnie & Goofy…ate lunch at Rainforest CafĂ©…and headed back to our resort.
~Once we got to our resort, we played at our amazing pool (which was pretty much a water park!)….and then took a long nap!
~We ended the night by eating at our resort food court.
Monday, April 20th
~The weather predicted thunderstorms, so we cancelled our trip to Disney’s water park and settled for our resort water park instead.
~The rest of the afternoon consisted of nothing but relaxation in our room!
~That night we met up with our friend Brittany at Downtown Disney! We ate at a Cuban restaurant, got ice cream, played a little, and then headed back to our resort!
Tuesday, April 21st
~This was our last day :(
~We had to leave for the airport by 2:00, so we went to played Miniature Golf that morning!
~We got back to the resort by noon….just enough time for a quick nap and final packing.
~We left Caribbean Beach Resort at 2:00 and headed to the airport.
~Our flight didn’t end up leaving til 5:00, so had time for another Chick Fil A meal! (YAY!)
~We arrived in Jackson at 6:15 (Jackson time), and we were welcomed by Mimi and Papaw!
what a perfect family vacation!!!
stay tuned for Disney pics to be posted!
back to the "real world",
Remembering Disney World 2009……
Thursday, April 16th
~We got up early, ate breakfast, took baths, and left the house by 10:00 am.
~We had to get to Jackson early so Daddy could go pay a ticket and get his license reinstated!! (Bad Daddy!!)
~Of course we had to stop at Chick Fil A for lunch :)
~Mimi and Papaw met us at the airport at 12:30, and our plane left around 1:35! (Abby LOVED her first plane ride!!)
~We arrived in Orlando around 5:00 pm, and then we took the “Magical Express” to our resort!
~That night we just hung out at our resort, Caribbean Beach. We played on the beach, ate dinner at our food court, joined in a dance party, played on the playground, and then CRASHED!!
Friday, April 17th
~We woke up around 7:30 am, and got ready for our first day at DISNEY!
~Our friend, Brittany Bennett (aka Sleeping Beauty), came and picked us up at our resort. She took us to get our park tickets, and then dropped us off at Hollywood Studios.
~At Hollywood studios we: met the Little Einsteins, Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse, saw the Playhouse Disney show, Beauty and the Beast show, Little Mermaid show, played on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground, ate at Toy Story’s Pizza Planet, and then joined in on the BLOCK PARTY BASH!
~We left Hollywood Studios around 4:00, and went back to our resort for a much needed nap!
~That night we went to the Boardwalk and ate at the ESPN restaurant. (Yummy!!)
~While at the Boardwalk, we also went to the candy factory, rode the ferry boat, and caught a little bit of the firework show at Epcot!
Saturday, April 18th
~Again, we woke up around 7:30 and got ready for another Disney Day!
~We got to Magic Kingdom around 9:30 and had obviously beaten the crowd (woohoo!!)
~Magic Kingdom was the BEST! We were greeted by a show featuring Minnie, Mickey, and the Princesses! Other things we did include: story time with Belle, rode the teacups, carousel, It’s a Small World, Peter Pan’s flight, and Winnie the Pooh! We were also able to meet Tigger and Pooh, Pluto and Ariel!
~Around 2 we headed back to our resort for a nap!
~After our nap, we went back to Magic Kingdom for what ended up being a long….but awesome night!
~We met Princess Aurora, Cinderella, and Belle!
~Then we went to a show called “Monsters Inc Laughing Factory.” It was HILARIOUS!
~After dinner, we grabbed a seat on the curb and waited for the “Spectro Magic Night Parade” (an awesome parade, in the dark, full of lights and music!)
~And then to end the night, we caught a little of the firework show over Cinderella’s Castle!
Sunday, April 19th
~We made it to Animal Kingdom by 9:00!
~We rode the jungle safari, walked a trail that included hippos, apes, birds, and other animals! (The apes were great!)
~Then we took a train to Rafiki’s petting zoo!....where we were also able to meet Pocahontas and Jiminy Cricket!
~By this time, we were EXHAUSTED….so, we made a quick run to meet Minnie & Goofy…ate lunch at Rainforest CafĂ©…and headed back to our resort.
~Once we got to our resort, we played at our amazing pool (which was pretty much a water park!)….and then took a long nap!
~We ended the night by eating at our resort food court.
Monday, April 20th
~The weather predicted thunderstorms, so we cancelled our trip to Disney’s water park and settled for our resort water park instead.
~The rest of the afternoon consisted of nothing but relaxation in our room!
~That night we met up with our friend Brittany at Downtown Disney! We ate at a Cuban restaurant, got ice cream, played a little, and then headed back to our resort!
Tuesday, April 21st
~This was our last day :(
~We had to leave for the airport by 2:00, so we went to played Miniature Golf that morning!
~We got back to the resort by noon….just enough time for a quick nap and final packing.
~We left Caribbean Beach Resort at 2:00 and headed to the airport.
~Our flight didn’t end up leaving til 5:00, so had time for another Chick Fil A meal! (YAY!)
~We arrived in Jackson at 6:15 (Jackson time), and we were welcomed by Mimi and Papaw!
what a perfect family vacation!!!
stay tuned for Disney pics to be posted!
back to the "real world",
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ok, I've got to share the "exciting news" first....and then I'll share some Easter photos!


This will be my last post until we get back from Disney World!!!!!!! So, tune in next week around Thursday for some Disney pics and stories :)
We went to the doctor yesterday, and there on that ultrasound machine.....was a.....little....BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! Totally shocked...but excited! I couldn't stop smiling yesterday! And yes.....Michael is freakin ECSTATIC :) And so is our precious Abby! She must've told 100 people yesterday, "BABY BWUDER!!!" And then, yesterday afternoon I told Abby that she needed to start talking to baby brother, because he can hear her voice. So, she leaned down to my tummy, and said...."Hey brother...I'm going to Disney World!!" hahaha!! Oh, my heart is so filled!! What a blessing to have a sweet girl, and now a precious boy! But....what do I do with a boy?! Ahhhh!!! No dresses, no bows, no frilly socks, no sponge rollers, etc etc. HOWEVER; I let Michael know right off that I will dress him for the first 3 years...and then he can take over with the blue jeans, camo, and baseball caps! ;) Thank yall for all your prayers and encouragement. Everything is looking perfectly normal right now, so I can breathe a sigh of relief. We still have about 4 1/2 months left though, so please continue to pray!
So, here's a little about our Easter weekend:
Michael and I were both off Friday, so we spent the entire day in Jackson. We ate Bonsai (one of my favorites), spent time with my sister, and did a little shopping!! It was so nice to hang out all day as a famliy. And then that night we went to The Bishop's church for their Easter cantata. It was really good!
Saturday, we dyed Easter eggs, had a few "practice Easter egg hunts", ate lunch with the in-laws, and then went to Gallman for a big Easter egg hunt with my parent's church. It was fabulous!! We hunted eggs, ate good food, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather. By the time we got home Saturday night, I was ready to crash!! I got a few things done around the house, and then crawled in the bed with Abby around 9:30!
So, Sunday I had to get up around 6:00 to hide the Easter eggs that I didn't hide the night before. I hid 30 eggs around the house, and then woke Abby up. Well, Miss Grouchy Non-Morning Child was having NOTHING to do with finding Easter eggs. So, I let her find her basket and she just played with that....and then a little later she started seeing the eggs laying around and got interested :) So, we went to church as family, ate lunch in Crystal Springs with my family, and then came back home and rested.
I was off Monday, and like I already said, we had a dr appt that morning. Afterwards, me and Abby just hung out and started packing for our DISNEY TRIP!!! 2 more days....YAY!!
Here are some pics from this weekend:




This will be my last post until we get back from Disney World!!!!!!! So, tune in next week around Thursday for some Disney pics and stories :)
filled with joy, and truly blessed,
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"The Love Dare"
For those of you who have not seen the movie Fireproof (if you haven't, go out and rent it TONIGHT)....the book they follow in this movie is called "The Love Dare." I just recently purchased it, and I'm about to DIE to start it!!! I'm finishing up my "Frazzled Female" study right now, and should be finished by the end of next week. So....I think I'm going to start "The Love Dare" on Monday, April 27th!! I thought that it might be kinda fun to blog the entire 40 days of this study?! I'm not going to necessarily blog about all the personal things that go on during those 40 days....but instead-I thought it would be a neat opportunity for you (married) guys & gals to follow my blog for 40 days, and do these "DARES" along side of me!!!! Some couples commit to doing this book together, but from personal experience....it's more aggravating doing a book with Michael, because if he misses or forgets one day, then I get all in a frenzy!! Haha! I want to do this FOR Michael, and so I'm not going to ask him to do it with me....if he wants to do it, then I'll let it be his idea! But nonetheless; starting Monday, April 27th, I'll start posting the "daily dare" every morning. There may be nobody interested in this, but God has put it on my heart to do it this way, so maybe there's one person out there that I'm doing this for? Some of you may be totally confused about this, but let me just give you an example of what this will consist of:
Day One: Love is Patient
Today's Dare: The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. Through this day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all!! If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
Now, yall are more than welcome to leave feedback each day...or just come to my blog, get the dare, and keep it all to yourself. Either way, I just want yall to join me in finding new ways to strengthen and refresh our marriages!
I'll defly be back before the 27th, because I'll find out boy or girl on Monday...AND...I'll have Disney pics to share sometime after the 22nd! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend. Remember to not only celebrate your cute dresses and fabulous new shoes, but remember what our Savior went through to save us from our sins...and that our Heavenly Father rose Him from the dead so that He could go and prepare a place for us!!!! :) LOVE YALL!
Day One: Love is Patient
Today's Dare: The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. Through this day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all!! If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
Now, yall are more than welcome to leave feedback each day...or just come to my blog, get the dare, and keep it all to yourself. Either way, I just want yall to join me in finding new ways to strengthen and refresh our marriages!
I'll defly be back before the 27th, because I'll find out boy or girl on Monday...AND...I'll have Disney pics to share sometime after the 22nd! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend. Remember to not only celebrate your cute dresses and fabulous new shoes, but remember what our Savior went through to save us from our sins...and that our Heavenly Father rose Him from the dead so that He could go and prepare a place for us!!!! :) LOVE YALL!
Monday, April 6, 2009
~Broken & Filled~
Ok, so I think my last post left off with me being in a state of panic and waiting on 2 doctor appointments. So....
~I had "my appointment" last Wed. (4/1/09). All they did was drew some blood to be sent off for genetic disorder testing. I'll find out my results next week when I go in for my "boy or girl" ultrasound!!!! Please be praying for good results and an ultrasound that shows a healthy baby!
~Abby's doctor appointment was the next day (4/2/09). I took her to a new doctor in McComb, because we are VERY unhappy with the Brookhaven Children's Clinic (enough said). So, anyways...I LOVED this doctor!!! He answered all 25 questions I had (haha), checked my baby's tummy out, and rested my fears of her having this rare disease that she was diagnosed with a few weeks ago. When I left the doctor's office, I was able to breathe for the first time in weeks! Thanks for all the prayers.
So...Thursday night I had SO much to do before I left for the Beth Moore Conference. I didn't end up getting much done that night because I didn't feel too good (good try, Satan!). But I woke up Friday morning and got on the ball!! From 8 that morning until I left the house at 1, I vaccumed the entire house, did all the dishes, got Abby bathed, got all our laundry washed and put up, and got myself showered and packed! I was feeling goooooooood!! :) I was SOOooooo...excited about what God was going to do in my heart that weekend that I could barely stand it! I knew I needed to be refreshed, but I had no idea just how bad Beth was going to rock my world!
I'm really debating on whether or not to talk about the conference, because I know I will not even do it justice...but my heart is just overflowing right now, so I've gotta share just a little!
First conviction of the weekend- "HOLY=WHOLLY" Yes, that's right....in order to be HOLY, you've got to give yourself WHOLLY to the Lord. It sounds simple, and it may be...but it totally convicted me. I realized that I've just been giving bits and pieces of myself and my life over the Lord....and then trying to handle the rest on my own! It suddenly hit me, like a ton of bricks....HELLO!! Maybe that's why I've been lacking joy, and struggling with finding peace?! It's because I cannot do ANYTHING on my own strength...I've got to give myself wholly to God's will for my life. Satan has been stealing my joy for way too long now...I'm claiming it back!
Second conviction- Prayer. My prayer life has become way too complicated for the personal relationship that it is. When I conversate with my best friends, I don't have to really "think" about what we'll talk about...I don't plan out every word. So, why do I do that with God? I had forgotten that prayer is a constant conversation with God about every little & big thing in my life! From something as little as, "God, thank you for this magnificent hair day I'm having" to big things like, "God, continue to grow this baby as a healthy boy or girl." I miss my view of God as my best friend...not someone who's out to get me, or disappointed in my every downfall!!
I could seriously go onnnnnn and onnnnnnnn about everything that filled my heart this weekend, but basically it comes down to....the Lord broke me....and then he filled me! He truly is an amazing God.
Here is A pic from this weekend....I was so wrapped up in the spirit, that I totally forgot to take pics! lol
~I had "my appointment" last Wed. (4/1/09). All they did was drew some blood to be sent off for genetic disorder testing. I'll find out my results next week when I go in for my "boy or girl" ultrasound!!!! Please be praying for good results and an ultrasound that shows a healthy baby!
~Abby's doctor appointment was the next day (4/2/09). I took her to a new doctor in McComb, because we are VERY unhappy with the Brookhaven Children's Clinic (enough said). So, anyways...I LOVED this doctor!!! He answered all 25 questions I had (haha), checked my baby's tummy out, and rested my fears of her having this rare disease that she was diagnosed with a few weeks ago. When I left the doctor's office, I was able to breathe for the first time in weeks! Thanks for all the prayers.
So...Thursday night I had SO much to do before I left for the Beth Moore Conference. I didn't end up getting much done that night because I didn't feel too good (good try, Satan!). But I woke up Friday morning and got on the ball!! From 8 that morning until I left the house at 1, I vaccumed the entire house, did all the dishes, got Abby bathed, got all our laundry washed and put up, and got myself showered and packed! I was feeling goooooooood!! :) I was SOOooooo...excited about what God was going to do in my heart that weekend that I could barely stand it! I knew I needed to be refreshed, but I had no idea just how bad Beth was going to rock my world!
I'm really debating on whether or not to talk about the conference, because I know I will not even do it justice...but my heart is just overflowing right now, so I've gotta share just a little!
First conviction of the weekend- "HOLY=WHOLLY" Yes, that's right....in order to be HOLY, you've got to give yourself WHOLLY to the Lord. It sounds simple, and it may be...but it totally convicted me. I realized that I've just been giving bits and pieces of myself and my life over the Lord....and then trying to handle the rest on my own! It suddenly hit me, like a ton of bricks....HELLO!! Maybe that's why I've been lacking joy, and struggling with finding peace?! It's because I cannot do ANYTHING on my own strength...I've got to give myself wholly to God's will for my life. Satan has been stealing my joy for way too long now...I'm claiming it back!
Second conviction- Prayer. My prayer life has become way too complicated for the personal relationship that it is. When I conversate with my best friends, I don't have to really "think" about what we'll talk about...I don't plan out every word. So, why do I do that with God? I had forgotten that prayer is a constant conversation with God about every little & big thing in my life! From something as little as, "God, thank you for this magnificent hair day I'm having" to big things like, "God, continue to grow this baby as a healthy boy or girl." I miss my view of God as my best friend...not someone who's out to get me, or disappointed in my every downfall!!
I could seriously go onnnnnn and onnnnnnnn about everything that filled my heart this weekend, but basically it comes down to....the Lord broke me....and then he filled me! He truly is an amazing God.
Here is A pic from this weekend....I was so wrapped up in the spirit, that I totally forgot to take pics! lol
*I am so blessed to have these girls in my "close community of faith"*
So, at the start of this new week, I think about all the exciting things coming up in the next week: seeing Joe Castillo tonight at church (look him up on YouTube!), getting my hair done, Abby's Easter pics, my sister's birthday, starting Sunday morning off with a big Easter egg hunt for Abby, rejoicing in the resurrection of our Savior, finding out if this precious baby is a boy or a girl, and then leaving for DISNEY!!!!!! Please, Please continue to pray for me on a daily basis....and continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy! I love yall dearly!!
Broken & Filled,
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